Computer related full form from A to Z

A to Z Computer related Full Forms

In this page you will learn about computer related full form. These all list of full form in computer is important for all who is learning about computer science and preparing for exams like bank and others. After reading this page you will able to know all computer related full form from A to Z.

In this page full form of computer is also discussed.

    a to z computer related full forms, full forms related to computer
    A to Z full form

    The word Computer stand for:-

    C: Completely
    a to z computer related full forms, full forms related to computer
    O: Obedient
    M: Machine
    P: Provide
    U: User
    T: Type
    E: Everything
    R: Right

    The word computer comes from the word compute which means to calculate.


    ALU:- Arithmetical Logical Unit

    AI:- Artificial Intelligence

    AM:- Amplitude Modulation

    ATM:- Automatic Teller Machine

    ACL:- Access Control List

    AMD:- Advanced Micro Device

    ANSI:- American National Standard Institute

    ASCII:- American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    ASP:- Active Server Pages

    ALGOL:- Algorithm Language

    ARP:- Address Resolution Protocol

    AOL:- American Online

    ABC:- Atanasoff Berry Computer

    A/D:- Analog to Digital 


    BCD:- Binary Coded Decimal

    BRI:- Basic Rate Interface

    BSNL:- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

    BNA:- Burroughs Network Architechture

    BIPS:- Billions of Instruction Per Second

    BIOS:- Basic Input Output System

    BASIC:- Beginner All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

    BPI:- Byte Per Inch

    BCR:- Bar Code Reader

    BARC:- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

    BEMA:- Business Equipment Manufacturers Association


    CU:- Control Unit

    CPU:- Central Processing Unit

    CD- ROM:- Compact Disc Read Only Memory

    CAD:- Computer Aided Design

    CAE:- Computer Aided Engineering

    CFM:- Computer Feet Per Minute

    CCD:- Charge Coupled Device

    CNR:- Communication Network Riser

    CAM:- Computer Aided Manufacturing

    CAN:- Campus Area Network

    CD-RW:- Compact Disc Read Write

    CSCW:- Computer Supported Cooperative Working

    CRT:- Cathode Ray Tube

    CPS:- Character Per Second

    CPPM:- Content Protection for Prerecorded Media

    COBOL:- Common Business Oriented Language

    CLR:- Common Language Runtime

    CHS:- Cylindrical Head Sector

    CISC:- Complex Instruction Set Computer

    CL:- Command Language

    CODASYL:- Conference On Data System Language

    CD:- Compact Disc

    CD-R:- Compact Disc Readable


    DVD:- Digital Versatile Disk

    DTS:- Digital Theatre System

    DSN:- Distributed System Network

    DL:- Download

    DNS:- Domain Name System

    DRDO:- Defense Research and Development Organization

    DSHD:- Double Sided High Density

    DTS:- Digital Terminal Ready

    DAC:- Digital Analog Convertor

    DFD:- Data Flow Diagram

    DVI:- Digital Visual Interface

    DSL:- Digital Subscriber Line

    DLP:- Digital Light Processing

    DLT:- Digital Linear Tape

    D/A:- Digital to Analog

    DAT:-Digital Audio Tape

    DBMS:- Data Base Management System

    DBS:- Demand Based Switching

    DDL:- Data Definition Language

    DDS:- Digital Data Storage

    DEC:- Digital Equipment Corporation

    DMA:- Direct Memory Access

    DML:- Data Manipulation Language

    DNA:- Digital Network Architecture

    DPI:- Dots Per Inch

    DRAM:- Dynamic Random Access Memory

    DS:- Data Structure


    E-Business:- Electronic Business

    E-Mail:- Electronic Mail

    E-Commerce:- Electronic Commerce

    EDP:- Electronic Fund Transfer

    EXE:- Execution

    EBCDIC:- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

    ECMA:- European Computer Manufacturers Association

    EDSAC:- Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

    EDVAC:- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

    EEPROM:- Electronic EPROM

    EPROM:- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    EFM:- Eight to Fourteen Modulation

    ENIAC:- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

    EPG:- Electronic Programming Guide

    EPIC:- Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing

    ERNET:- Education and Research NETwork


    FIFO:- First In First Out

    FILO:- First In Last Out

    FD:- Floppy Disc

    FAT:- File Allocation Table

    FDM:- Frequency Division Multiplexing

    FLV:- Flash Live Video

    FLAC:- Free Lossless Audio Codec

    FRU:- File Replaceable Unit

    FERPA:- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

    FEP:- Front End Processor

    FLOPS:- Floating Point Operation Per Second

    FM:- Frequency Modulation

    FMS:- File Management System

    FORTRAN:- Formula TRANslation

    FSK:- Frequency Shift Key

    FTP:- File Transfer Protocol

    FXP:- File Exchange Protocol


    GUI:- Graphical User Interface

    GSM:- Global System for Mobile

    GPU:- Graphical Processing Unit

    GDI:- Graphical Device Interface

    GCR:- Group Code Recording

    GPL:- General Public License

    GB:- Giga Bytes


    GHz:- Giga Hertz

    GIGO:- Garbage In Garbage Out

    GIS:- Geographical Information System

    GNU:- GNU's Not Unix

    GPL:- General Public license

    GPRS:- General Packet Radio Service

    GPS:- Global Positioning System


    HTM:- Hierarchical Temporal Memory

    HP:- Hewlett Packard

    HTML:- Hypertext Markup Language

    HTTP:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol

    HTTPD:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon

    HAL:- Hardware Abstraction Layer

    Hz:- Hertz

    HVD:- Holographic Versatile Disk

    HHD:- Hybrid Hard Drive

    HLL:- High Level Language

    HPFS:- High Performance File System

    HDMI:- High Definition Media Interface

    HDD:- Hard Disk Drive

    HSF:- Heat Sink Fan

    HCL:- Hardware Abstraction Layer

    HTTPS:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Over Secure Sockets Layer

    HIS:-Hightech Information System Limited

    HDL:- Hardware Description Language

    HD:- High Density

    HT:- Hyper Threading


    ISV:- Independent Software Vendor

    IR:- Instruction Register

    I/O:- Input and Output

    ISR:- Interrupt Service Routine

    ISP:- Internet Service Provider

    ISOC:- Internet SOCiety

    IBG:- Inter Block Gap

    IBM:- International Business Machine

    ITU:- International Telecommunication Union 

    IT:- Information Technology

    IC:- Integrated Circuit

    IDL:- Interface Definition Language

    IDN:- Integrated Digital Network

    IEEE:- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    INSAT:- Indian National SATellite

    IP:- Internet Protocol

    ISO:- International Standards Organisation

    IrDA:- Infrared Data Association

    IRG:- Inter Record Gap

    ISAM:- Indexed Sequential Access Method

    ISDN:- Integrated Service Digital Network

    IRQ:- Interrupt Request

    IRC:- Internet Relay Chat

    IPX:- Internetwork Packet Exchange

    IPTV:- Internet Protocol Television

    IPsec:- Internet Protocol Security

    IPP:- Internet Printing Protocol

    IPC:- Internet Process Communication

    IM:- Instant Messaging

    IIS:- Internet Information Server

    IHV:- Independent Hardware Vendor

    IMAP:- Internet Message Access Protocol

    IGMP:- Internet Group Management Protocol


    JAR:- Java Archive

    J2EE:- Java 2 Enterprise Edition

    JVC:- Japan Victor Company

    JBL:- James Bullough Lansing

    J2SE:- Java 2 Standard Edition

    JCL:- Job Control Language

    JSP:- Java Server Pages

    JRE:- Java Runtime Engine

    JIT:- Just in Time

    JPEG:- Joint Photographic Experts Group

    JDBC:- Java DataBase Connectivity


    KBPS:- Kilo Bytes Per Second

    KHz:- Kilo Hertz

    KB:- Kilo Bytes


    LSI:- Large Scale Integration

    LDT:- Lighting Data Transport

    LBA:- Logical Block Addressing

    LAN:- Local Area Network

    LCD:- Liquid Crystal Display

    LED:- Light Emitting Diode

    LISP:- LISt Processing

    LPM:- Lines Per Minute

    LSD:- Least Significant Digit


    MMX:- Multi Media Extension

    MTNL:- Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited

    MBSA:- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

    MAN:- Metropolitan Area Network 

    MAR:- Memory Address Register

    MB: Mega Bytes

    MBR:- Memory Buffer Register


    MFT:- Multiprogramming with Fixed Task

    MHz:- Mega Hertz

    MVT:- Multiprogramming With Variable Tasks

    MSI:- Medium Scale Integration

    MS-DOS:- Microsoft Disk Operating System

    MSD:- Most Significant Digit

    MSCDEX:- MicroSoft CD EXtension

    MPI:- Message Passing Interface

    MPEG:- Moving Picture Expert Group

    MP3:- MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3

    MODEM: MOdulator DEmodulator

    MNP:- Microcom Network Protocol

    MMC:- Multi Media Card

    MIPS:- Millions of Instruction Per Second

    MIDI:- Musical Instrument Digital Interface

    MICR:- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 


    NAT:- Network Adress Translation

    NCMRWF:- National Centre for Medium Range Weather Foercasting

    NAS:- Network Attached Storage

    NEC:- Not Elsewhere Classified 

    NIC:- Network Interface Card 

    NICNET:- National Informatics Centre NETwork

    NIC:- National Informatics Centre 

    NOS:- Network Operating System

    NTSC:- National Television System Committe


    OCR:- Optical Character Recognition

    OSS:- Open Source Software

    OSI:- Open System Interconnection

    OS:- Operating System

    OOP:- Object Oriented Programming

    OMR:- Optical Mark Reader

    OC:- Over Clock

    OEM:- Original Equipment Manufacturer

    OCZ:- Operational Control Zone


    PSU:- Power Supply Unit

    PCI:- Peripheral Component Interconnect

    PAL:- Phase Alternating Line

    PAN:- Personal Area Network

    PC:- Personal Computer

    PCB:- Process Control Block

    PDA:- Personal Digital Assistant

    PDF:- Portable Document Format

    PDL:- Program Design Language

    PDP:- Program Data Processor

    PIM:- Personal Information Manager

    PIP:- Peripheral Interchange Program

    PVM:- Parallel Virtual Machine

    PVC:- Poly Vinyl Chloride

    PSTN:- Public Switched Telephone Network

    PROM:- Programmable Read Only Memory

    PRIMENET:- PRIME Computer Network

    PPM:- Page Per Minute

    POTS:- Plain Old Telephone Service

    POS:- Point Of Scale

    PM:- Phase Modulation

    PL/1:- Programming Language One

    PC:- Program Control Register

    PCB:- Printed Circuit Board


    QoS:- Quality of Service

    QBE:- Query By Example

    QIC:- Quarter Inch Catridge


    RAM:- Random Access Memory

    RPM:- Revolution Per Minute

    RPG:- Report Program Generator 

    ROM:- Read Only Memory

    RLogin:- Remote Login

    RISC:- Reduced Instruction Set Computer

    RGB:- Red, Green and Blue

    RAID:- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks


    SSI:- Small Scale Integration

    SPARC:- Scalable Processor Architecture

    SAN:- Storage Area Network

    SCSI:- Small Computer System Interface

    SEC:- Single Edge Connector

    SFC:- System File Checker

    SIM:- Subscriber Identification Module

    SRAM:- Static RAM

    SQL:- Structured Query Language

    SNOBOL:- String Oriented Symbolic Language

    SNA:- System NetworkArchitechture

    SIMM:- Single In-Line Memory Module

    SGML:- Syntax for Generalized Markup Language

    SEQUEL:- Structured English QUEry Language

    SD:- Secure Digital

    SDK:- Software Development Kit

    SDLC:- Software Development Life Cycle


    TB:- Tera Bytes

    TEC:- Thermo Electric Cooler

    TDR:- Time Domain Reflectometre

    TCO:- Total Cost of Ownership

    TCP:- Transmission Control Protocol

    TDM:- Time Division Multiplexing

    TCP/IP:- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol



    UDP:- User Datagram Protocol

    USMT:- User State Migration Tool

    UPS:- Uninterruptible Power Supply

    UNC:- Universal Naming Convention

    UDMA:- Ultra Direct Memory Access

    UDT:- User Data Type

    ULSI:- Ultra Large Scale Integration

    UNIVAC:- UNIversal Automatic Computer

    UPC:- Universal Product Code

    URL:- Uniform Resource Locator

    UWB:- Ultra Wide Band

    UVEPROM:- Ultra Voilet EPROM

    UTP:- Unshielded Twisted Pair

    UTF:- Unicode Transformation Format

    USB:- Universal Serial Bus


    VLSI:- Very Large Scale Integration

    VDU:- Visual Display Unit

    VPN:- Virtual Private Network

    VAN:- Valuable Aided Network

    VCR:- Video Cassette Recorder

    VDT:- Video Display Terminal

    VGA:- Video Graphics Array

    VOD:- Video On Demand

    VoIP:- Voice over Internet Protocol

    VoLTE:- Voice over Long Term Evolution

    VSAT:- Very Small Aperture Terminal

    VSNL:- Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

    VTOC:- Volume Table Of Contents


    WAN:- Wide Area Network

    WLAN:- Wireless Local Area Network

    WLL:- Wireless Local Loop

    WORM:- Write Once Read Many

    WWW:- World Wide Web

    WAP:- Wireless Application Protocol

    WiMAX:- WorldWide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    WYSIWYG:- What You See Is What You Get

    WPA:- Wireless Protected Access

    WTB:- Want To Buy

    WEP:- Wired Equivalent Privacy

    WUXGA:- Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array


    XML:- eXtensible Markup Language

    XHTML:- eXtensible HyperText Markup Language

    X.500:- Directory Server Protocol

    X.400:- Electronic Mail Protocol


    ZIF:- Zero Insertion Force

    ZIP:- Zigzag Inline Package


    In this article, we have thoroughly read about computer related full form with each list of full form in computer from A to Z. These are very important list of full form in computer which comes in every computer and government exams.

    If you are interested then you can also read

    Definition of Computer

    Generations of Computers

    Hope you enjoy this information about computer related full form

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    Tags: computer related full formcomputer full forma to z computer related full formslist of full form in computerfull form of computera to z computer related important full form,


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